
Friday, December 14, 2012

Update On My Little Family :)

Sorry that it has been so long since I've posted on here. Between balancing Aubree time with work and shopping for Christmas it has been busy around. We are super excited to have a baby here this year for Christmas! Even though she won't know what everything is I'm excited for her presents. So here is an update on Aubree and I. :)

Aubree is 8 months! She has gotten so big and is so smart! She loves to walk around in her walker. She isn't crawling yet but I'm pretty sure that she will be skipping that and going straight to walking. She is starting to talk she says dada all the time :( She doesn't know what it means but its still sad to me. I want her first word to be mama. That would mean sooo much to me :). She hasn't done anymore pageants since her first one but I didn't want to spend that money so close to Christmas.

As for me, I'm still working at the restaurant. Our hours have slowed down though, so my paychecks aren't as much as I'd like them to be. But I get to spend more time with Aubree so its perfectly fine with me :). I don't get to go to school until the fall unfortunately. I missed the cut off date for spring registration and testing. I'm definitely going to start in the fall though.

I posted pictures of Aubree :) She's such a blessing and everyday I thank God for her. Pin It

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