
Friday, July 20, 2012

Getting School Stuff Started...Finally

This past week I've been trying really hard to start getting my college stuff ready so I can start school in the fall. I have a lot to do in a short time before school starts but I think I can get it done. I'll have to take online courses this semester until I can purchase a car. I want to go for Radiography. I've always been fascinated when I go to the E.R. and have to get x-rays taken. It also is a good paying job, and being a single mom that is what I really need. I would love to do this course. When I get settled and have a good job and place to call my own I wanna go back for Ultrasound tech also. I just want to have my options open so I never have to settle for less then I want. 
I want to give Aubree the best possible life I can as a single mom. I know I'll meet someone one day and get married, but for now I want to be as independent as possible and not have to rely on others for help. It'll take me sometime but its possible. I know I'll be able to do it. 
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